Funding Opportunities

Each month MIME News will alert our followers to any relevant funding opportunities. 

Applications for grants by the Ian Potter Foundation are open
The Ian Potter Foundation was established in 1964 by Australian financier, businessman and philanthropist, Sir Ian Potter (1902 – 1994).  The Foundation is now one of Australia’s major philanthropic foundations.

Based in Melbourne, the Foundation makes grants nationally to support charitable organisations working to benefit the community across a wide range of sectors and endeavours. Grants are made through nine program areas which reflect Sir Ian’s interest in the arts, and his visionary approach to issues including the environment, science, medical research, education and community wellbeing, as well as the importance of investing in Australia’s intellectual capital.

Through its grants, the Foundation seeks to encourage excellence and support Australia’s talent: the visionaries, social entrepreneurs, scientists, academics and researchers, artists and teachers, and those who dedicate themselves to bettering our communities for the benefit of all.

Applications close at 5.00pm on Tuesday, 23 June 2015. Further information is available 

Australia- Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme

The Australia-Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme is a joint initiative of Universities Australia and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Germany's national agency for the support of international academic co-operation. It aims to foster research collaboration of the highest quality between Australian researchers from Universities Australia member universities and German researchers from German universities and research institutes.The scheme will support exchanges for Australian researchers to spend time at partner institutions  in Germany and for collaborating German researchers to spend time at Australian universities.

Applications close on Tuesday, 30 June 2015. Further information is available 

EOI for ARC Centres Of Excellence 2017 
Expressions of Interest for ARC Centres of Excellence 2017 are now open in RMS. 
Applications close at 5pm on Wednesday 22, July 2015. Further information is available here.

The Royal Society of Victoria 2015 Young Scientist Research Prizes

Applications are now open for the Royal Society of Victoria 2015 Young Scientist Research Prizes for Biomedical & Health Sciences, Biological Sciences (Non-human), Physical Sciences, Earth. The Royal Society of Victoria has established four prestigious competitive prizes open to post-graduate, doctoral students in all areas of the Biomedical & Health Sciences, Biological Sciences (Non-human), Earth Sciences and Physical Sciences.
  • The Biological Sciences (Non-human) prize and Earth Sciences prize are supported by donations from the families of previous Royal Society Presidents Edmund D Gill and Neil Archbold respectively. The field of Biomedical and Health Sciences includes Endocrinology, Epidemiology, Genetics, Human Physiology, Human Anatomy, Immunology, Medical Parasitology, Microbiology, Neurology, Nuclear Medicine, Pathology, Pharmacology, Radiology and related human sciences apart from clinical trials. The field of Biological Sciences (Non-human) includes Agriculture, Biochemistry, Botany, Cell Biology, Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Forestry, Zoology, and related non-human science.
  • The field of Physical Sciences includes Astronomy, Astrophysics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, all branches of Engineering and related sciences.

Applications close at 5.00pm on Friday 31 July 2015. Further information is available here.