The Monash Institute of Medical Engineering (MIME) has a number of travel scholarships available for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and early career researchers (<5 years post PhD award) working on projects that involve medical technologies. By medical technologies we mean a treatment or device to treat a medical condition, a diagnostic tool or IT system or approach directed towards improvement in clinical outcomes.
This funding, up to $2500, is to cover some of the costs towards:
i. International conference attendance in concert with visits to key groups for further learning, career development and to establish networks and collaborations with high profile international research groups, or
ii. Travel for new collaborative work or continue existing collaborations with key international research groups.
The travel should be carried out within the next 12 months, i.e. by 31st July 2016. Applications can be submitted electronically via the seed fund tab on the MIME website or via the MIME Travel Grants Google Form. The closing date for applications is 31st August 2015.