The MIME seed fund has been established to accelerate the development of new medical technologies that address significant unmet clinical needs.
The 2015 round of the MIME seed fund is designed to lay the foundations for the collaborative framework of MIME, by encouraging early clinician involvement in identifying areas of significant clinical need, so that our research can be directed to areas where it can deliver greatest impact. Secondly it aims to build and strengthen collaborative relationships between MNHS clinicians in Monash's partner hospitals and researchers in the Faculties of Engineering and IT, as well as reaching out to researchers in other disciplines and partner organisations.
There will be up to $500,000 available in the 2015 funding round. Applications may be for any amount between $10 - $50K. The funding will be directed to projects that can achieve a meaningful outcome within 12-18 months, e.g. proof-of-concept data or initial prototype. The seed funding is aimed at progressing a project to the point that the research team is well positioned to then secure external funding from industry or grants to progress the next phase of the R&D. There are two stages to the application process: an initial call to clinicians to define areas of unmet clinical need, followed by an invitation to all Monash staff to respond with proposed solutions. All Monash staff are eligible to participate in the multidisciplinary ‘solution' teams. Researchers from MIME partner institutions are also invited to participate as members of the collaborative teams.
The 2015 funding round aims to foster new collaborative projects, hence applications must be directed to new research areas, not extensions or augmented funding of existing funded projects.
For further information regarding the MIME Seed Fund please follow the link to our website.